Let’s be frank…

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If you haven’t heard, its all about Frank these days… Everyone’s talking about it, and the gossip is absolutely true. Frank coffee scrub is my guilty little secret to keeping my skin smooth and silky. Frank is made in Melbourne, Australia and the most exciting part about that for me is that since I’m living here delivery takes only a day which means I will be in the shower with the scrub on my body in no time. Frank ships to all over the world and believe me when I say, you are going to want to get some. Frank packs a whole lot of nutrients into their scrubs such as sweet almond, orange, coconut, grapeseed and cacao. Frank targets problem areas and issues such as cellulite, stretch marks and acne. Get naked, get dirty, get rough, get clean, it is now time for YOU to try Frank coffee scrub!

Namaste – Carly Jensen xo