Feeling Each Moment


Life always feels like its passing by each moment at a time. We as humans drift from one fleeting moment to the next and forget to stop and be present. Yoga was the only thing that taught me to be in the here and now. It is the one thing I know that the moment I am on that mat, there is no past and no future. All previous thoughts I had before the class drift away and it opens me up to the possibilities of being me. I then begin to feel each moment. From my toes cracking on the floor to my hamstrings stretching in pain, I am there 100%. The moment class ends, life again starts rushing by at the speed of light. Its as if during class a pause button gets pressed and people are allowed to see how they are feeling. Yoga has taught me to be present and I believe that is one of the most important things you can be in life. Our day to day is always going to rush by whether it is routine or a special night out, it will rush by and end. For those who feel like their life is rushing by one moment at a time, yoga may be the answer you are looking for.

Carly Jensen xo

Truthful Blogging


I have been on a blogging hiatus due to major writers block and not really wanting to write. I made it to a point though where I am okay with that. I used to beat myself up if I didn’t have anything to write or if I didn’t post something at least once a week.

I realised blogging should never be a chore. I started blogging for my love of writing and sharing my thoughts with others and that is why I will continue to blog. I realised there is no “right” way to do something. If I want to post a piece once a month that is fine. Blogging should be about you and your readers and that is it. It shouldn’t be restricted to timelines and certain days you need to post. Blogging should be enjoyable and each post should mean something. There isn’t a need to post something just to get a post up. I found myself writing things just to make sure I got something up and that wasn’t me. The writing wouldn’t be honest and truthful which is the opposite of what I want.

When it comes to blogging there is no right way to do it. As long as you are writing what you want and it comes from the heart that is all that matters.

Carly Jensen xo

Guided Meditation


For those who struggle with meditation this will help you get started. Meditation is the act of observing your own thoughts and not being critical about what you’re thinking. The best way to describe meditation is to pretend your thoughts are clouds in the sky and you are laying in a field watching the clouds go by. You aren’t there to follow the clouds you are just there to observe them as they past.

You are not there to follow one constant thought you are only there to observe. The good thing about guided meditation is that it talks your through the whole entire process. It helps you focus on the present and calm your mind with a bit more help. A guided mediation talks you through everything which helps you focus on the present more and not let your mind focus so intensely on one thought.

To find good guided meditations just check them out on youtube and see what one works best for you. I also recommend downloading an app that will help as well. Once or twice a day anywhere from 5- 20 minutes is enough for you to relax and let your mind settle down. Some of my favourite guided meditation apps are Sleep Easily, Smiling Mind, Take a Break and Headspace.

Try guided meditations and see how you go!


Carly Jensen xo

Writers Block


It happens to the best of us and it comes out of nowhere. Some days you are filled with ideas and others you have no idea what to write about. All bloggers, writers and creatives battle with this problem and I have found some ways to conquer it so that it doesn’t get the best of you.

Writers block to me is.. “a stop in your creative juices” leading to pretty much no thoughts. This obviously happens because even though the mind is constantly thinking it is tough for it to come up with new innovative ideas all the time. The best thing you can do for writers block is to step completely outside the situation and do something different.

1) Be Creative – Draw, paint, make a mind map in order to get those creative juices flowing. Take yourself away from the writing and find another creative outlook.

2) Go for a Run/Walk – Not only does exercise release endorphins it also helps you come up with ideas. Anytime I go for a walk or run I come up with new things to write about.

3) Face the Problem – When I can’t think of what to write, I face it head on and talk about it. Make a post about what your feeling and what is going through your mind.

Good luck and happy writing!

Carly Jensen xo

It’s official, you can make cake in a mug!

photo 5-6


For those who don’t have an oven in their place or if you just hate using the oven, have no fear.. mug cakes are here! Now let me tell you, making a mug cake is as easy as brushing your teeth. All you have to do is either buy cake mix (which is what I did) or make the cake mix from scratch.

photo 2-13

Follow the steps on the box and then make sure you whisk all the ingredients together so that there are no lumps in your cake mix. Once you have done that get out a large mug and pour about 1/2 of the mix into the cup. Make sure you don’t pour too much of the cake mix in because while in the microwave the cake rises quite a bit. You then put the mug into the microwave for a minute and 30 seconds the then the cake should be ready. Take it out test it with a toothpick or fork and if it still needs some time put it back in for 10-15 seconds. There you have it, a fast and yummy treat that doesn’t involve the oven.

photo 4-6

Carly Jensen xo

Who Are You?


Who are you? What is your purpose? Why do you continue to go to that job you hate? I will be harsh here and say its a cop out. You would rather be average and not pursue your passion. Why? Whether you believe in reincarnation or heaven, one thing we all know is that nobody is sure what comes next. Why waste what you have? Who cares if you fail? You have nothing to prove to anyone so why not make a splash. Be fearless! Nobody is judging you so go on and be who your meant to. What would it take you to go in the direction of your dreams? Would you need someone to tell you it was your last day on earth? At the end of the day you have to make the change yourself. Why not make that change today?

Look in the mirror ask yourself “Who am I?” Go be that.

Carly Jensen xo




Photo taken from http://www.worldaccordingtomaggie.com

Learn to laugh at yourself


If I can teach you anything about this life, it would be to not take yourself so seriously. People tend to take themselves way to seriously which leads to a lot of unhappiness and a pretty boring life. You were put on this earth to laugh, to smile and especially at yourself. Why take every moment of each day so seriously? Live each moment having fun and enjoying yourself, you ain’t got anything to prove to anyone so have some fun.

I don’t have all the answers but I know that by not taking yourself too seriously you tend to lead a happier life. I am constantly making silly little mistakes on a daily basis, you probably could never tell though. My secret is that I laugh at them when I do. I turn the slip ups in life into positives and keep moving forward. I have said enough things that are very questionable but I just laugh them off and keep on going. You have to let go of the need to be perfect.

Carly Jensen xo


No need to panic, Instagram isn’t everything!


As soon as I deleted it off my phone, my hands began to shake. Two days of no Instagram how was I going to cope? Well I better go about my day as usual I thought. Without having Instagram on my phone I wasn’t tempted once to look at it. I began to realise that life didn’t end just because I couldn’t look at photos 24/7. It was quite a freeing feeling not having to worry about constantly checking photos. If you become hooked enough on Instagram it can feel as though its your job to make sure you see all the photos. I felt free and I realised I didn’t even look at my phone. It showed me that the majority of my phone time was spent on Instagram and once I didn’t have it I had more free time  to spend on important things.

Reasons to give Instagram a rest:

1) There is more to life than obsessing over photos.

2) Everything is okay in moderation – Don’t quit it altogether but give yourself a rest once a month.

3) Build stronger relationships with the people you know – You will be surprised how much there is to talk about and connect with people when you don’t bring your phone places.

4) Focus more on your important tasks – Whether it be blogging, homework or a new project, you have more time to focus and create quality work.

I challenge everyone to give up Instagram for two days every month!

Good Luck,

Carly Jensen xo

Two days without Instagram



Okay now I know some of you read the title and thought to yourself, “how hard can that be?” Well for some of you I bet it would be a walk in the park but for someone like me it is going to be damn hard. I have been challenged to go two days without Instagram and I have had to delete it off my phone.

This whole challenge came about because I am constantly on Instagram going through the feed acting like its the end of the world if I miss a photo. I guess you could say that I’m highly addicted. In my head though I feel like I enjoy staying connected for many different reasons. I like to keep on top of trends and see what people are into. I need to know what’s going on in the food industry, what restaurants are people going to and what is the talk of the town. I studied Public Relations for god sakes, of course I need social media in my life. It has come to a point though where I need to try this two day stint and see how I feel after.

Is the world going to end if I miss a photo? Will I still be the same person without Instagram for two days? I think I already know the answers to these questions but I will report back once I know more. For now, I can let go of that stressful feeling of needing to see all the photos, and maybe just maybe look up more and enjoy the beauty around me.


Carly Jensen xo

Coffee & A Good Book

photo 1-10Market Lane Coffee was my choice this morning for a relaxing start to the day. Sipping my strong cappuccino I indulged in my latest book by Eckhart Tolle, New Earth. I have only just started but it already has me intrigued and wanting to learn more. He speaks on how to let go of your ego and the need to constantly identify yourself with the things you own. The ego is your mind telling you who you are and what your suppose to do. Eckhart explains that we must learn to observe our thoughts and realise that we are not what goes on in our mind all day. You are not what your mind tells you.

The chapter I am currently on speaks about how constant complaining is your ego believing the story inside your head. For the next week try and catch yourself complaining or thinking negative thoughts; which is the first step in becoming a more concious person. For those who find themselves attached to material items, try and think about what they actually do for you. If you didn’t have them would you be any less of a person?

I am going to leave you there with some food for thought… photo 2-9 photo 3-6   Carly Jensen xo